Friday, September 30, 2011

A Level Physics notes ans questions: Equation of continiuty

The equation of continuity says that the rate of mass flow through a given tube at the entrance and at the exist is the same, if there is no other way for the fliud to get out from the pipe. Lets put things into a simpler form :

A1 x V1= A1 x V1

Lets prove this equation:

Mass flow rate = mass flowing through the pipe in one second
                               = V x D /t (t=1 second)
                               = l x a x D  /t
                               = A x D x V ( l/t)
 Because the mass flow rate is constant from th equation of continiuty
A1 x V1 x D =  A2 x V2 x D

Equation of continuity and Bornoulllis law A Level Physics Notes Questions Answers  and Explanation
 As Density D is the same on both sides ,it gets canceled out.

So :,
A1 x V1 = A2 x V2

You must be able  to prove this equation , and using this equation you will be able to solve many problems in your A Level Physics exam paper.

For a set of questions and Answers onthis section of A Level Physics Please click here.

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