Monday, August 15, 2011

Vectors and Scalars

Displacement and velocity are examples of vectors because they have a magntude and a direction .To make things simpler lets put this is simple terms.

The properties of vectors are:
1.they have a magnitude
2.they have a direction( only vector quantities ahve direction)

Distance and speed are examples of scalers Such quantities have only a magnitude and no direction.

Whether it is O/L or A/L You need to differenciate and identify scalers and vectors which are important parts of basic physics.
You will be tested in exams asking you to say whether a given quantity is a vector or a scaler.

If you have any further doubts about the specifications about the differenciations of speed and velocity and the problems involved in them please be kind enough either to email me at or just leave a comment below.Any type of doubts are welcome even ifthey are not from this section.

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